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Frequently Asked Questions

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This sounds too good to be true!?

I thought so too!! Sometimes, I still marvel but the incredible improvements I've witnessed are undeniable. The truth is that the science is 100% valid and it's impossible for it to hurt you! So you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

In our toxic world full of drugs with 500 side effects including death, it's hard to believe that something could be completely safe but that's exactly why I am sharing it with you... after 17 years of testing with a biotech company, they couldn't sell it as a drug BECAUSE there are NO adverse side effects!! It begins helping the body within 10 minutes which can be seen in live blood. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world are living proof of the power in their lives! I can't wait to share some of their stories with you :)

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How much do I need to take?

Recommended dosage depends on several factors. A general guideline is if you are under the age of 50 without any major health condition that 4oz a day is a good maintenance dosage.  If you are over 50 we suggest 8oz a day will offer you more noticeable improvements more quickly and if you have a very serious condition, we may suggest you take up at 16oz a day for a period of a few months. Please reach out so that our team of redox experts can help you evaluate based on your needs and offer suggestions for optimal usage in your circumstances.

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Why do I need to give myself 3 months?

If you just want to use our gel to spot-treat, that’s great!  Or if you want to use our beverages for specific targeted benefits of ENERGY, MIND, MOOD, or RADIANCE, terrific! These tools show results very quickly! But if you want to see the full-body benefits of redox signaling we highly recommend that you give yourself a commitment of at least 3 months at the proper dosage because 10% of people will feel a difference in the first week, 50% will notice improvements in 4-6 week but 90% will discover marked improvements within 3 months.  Please don’t short-change your transformation!  Your persistence will be rewarded.

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How much does it cost?  

A lot less than the pain, suffering, and medical bills that so easily pile up without it! The benefits of health and wellness are incomparable when you have been living with constant breakdown.

By having these tools, I’ve saved countless trips to Urgent Care and other medical visits. It has certainly more than paid for itself!

I’d love to help you figure out what’s the best fit for your needs - schedule a quick, no pressure call with me and I'll share a link with all the details.

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Do I need to take this forever?

No, you can certainly use it as needed for specific struggles that you want to fix. After your body has repaired the problem and your symptoms are improved or eliminated, you can always go back to your bodies natural rate or recovery and aging, BUT... here’s why I will never be without it in my house! It is a WIN for my whole family!

1. It’s the most important emergency tool I can have!  I don’t go out without it!!

2. It has replaced dozens of other products that I no longer need. This is safer, healthier and more versatile!
3. I know that our bodies are undergoing damage at the cellular level all the time and I’d rather spend my energy and resources staying healthy so I don’t have to waste my time and money being sick. With Redox, I have the energy for the important things in life!

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Why does it taste like...?

Redox molecules taste different to different people along their health journey. Some describe it as salty, metallic or pool water. It is common for the molecules to have a stronger flavor and odor when you begin taking them and for that taste and smell to fade almost completely to water as your body becomes more balanced. For some people the stronger flavor lasts a matter of weeks for others, a matter of months. You may also find that you noticed it more when your body is under the weather.

Do I need to keep it in the fridge?

NO! In fact, it is stable from 0 to 300 deg so you can store it anywhere! (out of direct sunlight is best)
Some people prefer it cold and find it tastes more mild cold.

Swishing each dose is recommended. If your teeth are cold sensitive, store at room temperature.


Prefer Video FAQ's?

These are collections of short answers to common questions presented by amazing doctors on the ASEA medical board with years of experience using redox.

ASEA Redox FAQ (liquid internal and external)

Renu 28 FAQ (topical gel)


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Email if you prefer: [email protected]

Don't miss out on these!!

Valuable getting started tips and tricks and personal uses to inspire you to get the greatest benefit !

Don't miss out on these!!

Valuable getting started tips and tricks and personal uses to inspire you to get the greatest benefit !

Everybody wants to look better or feel better and many people with health struggles are looking for answers. My company has tools that boost the body's natural healing processes for faster recovery and improved quality of life.

Over 10 Million tubes of "miracle" gel sold in 33 Countries since 2014

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