50+ Ways Real People Use RENU 28

Must-Have “Miracle” Gel

FACE: Apply gel to clean dry skin, allow to dry, add moisturizer after

BODY: Apply 3x in 5 min (enough that it takes 30-60 second to dry each time)
Reapply every hour if needed.

1. Reduce the appearance of wrinkles 

Roll back the years and enjoy the difference!  
Note - this woman was using the liquid internally and gel externally for this result.

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2. Tighten skin

Use this on clean, dry skin anywhere on the body will tighten and tone.  Using it on the face gives the feeling of a face-lift. You’ll want to add your moisturizer after it’s dry.

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3. Remove common warts

These often ugly and/or painful warts have disappeared on their own for multiple people we know who had tried other common removal techniques such as freezing/acid etc that had not been successful long term.  

"I had 3 small plantar warts on the bottom of my foot that were starting to be uncomfortable when stepping. Using just 1 sample size gel, I applied every day for 3 weeks and they disappeared!" ~ Laura from Washington

4. Firm the skin around the eyes

Revitalize your gaze strengthening the delicate eye area

5. First aid tool for cuts & scrapes

The bleeding stops quicker and the skin starts repairing.

NOTE: If the wounds are deep we suggest the liquid rather than the gel.

6. Diminish bruises

“I fell several weeks ago and had an enormous bruise that left a huge lump. I saw a Doctor who felt it and recommended that I get it excised downtown. I used the Renu28 faithfully and the bump is so small now."

-Lucy L. from Washington

7. Reduce Skin Breakouts 

“After just three weeks, Renu28 greatly reduced my son’s cystic acne. We were just about to start pharmaceutical medication when I found these molecules.  They were a game changer! "

~Yvette, Louisiana

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8. Minimize Redness, Irritation and Itching

Recently I have found out I have a skin condition as a makeup artist it was very upsetting to hear this because while the rash is active it means I can't wear any makeup. Working in the field and not being able to have on any makeup has made me very self conscious having this rash on my face along with it being frustratingly itchy. The top photo is how I woke up this morning and the bottom photo is after applying RENU28 5 times since waking up till now... And it hasn't itched!

~Ellie, Australia

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9. Soothe Diaper Irritation

The safest thing you can use on your baby

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10. Soothe itching and redness from rashes

“I love that I don’t have to worry about what caused the irritation, I know that this helps relieve the itching and diminish the rash.  This picture is my son where you can see the difference in 30 min.  By the next morning, it was gone!”

~ Laura from Washington

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11. Reduce the appearance of stretch marks

"I was hesitant to share this, but I’m sure all the Mothers out there can relate! After pregnancy and the birth of my son, I was horrified at the multiple bright red stretch marks that appeared all over my stomach. I hated looking in the mirror, and as much as I loved my body for creating a life, I wished it didn’t look like this. I was tired and really didn’t need another thing to do. But I started using a pea sized amount of Renu28 every night before bed. The first three photos are from Week 0, Week 1, and Week 2, when I applied Renu28 every night. After that I got distracted and started to forget, but since then I have applied Renu28 at least once or twice a week.Today, 4 months later, I can look back and realize how much has changed! Not just the colour, but the texture and softness of the skin.So excited about this." - Anonymous

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12. Reduce the appearance of scars

It's hard to believe scars could start rebuilding healthy tissue ever again but we have seen it many times that they fade or disappear.

"I may have got validation you were looking for from surgeon this morning. He said healing looks more like six months rather than six weeks. He expected healing to have just started but it's almost fully healed." - Chris, Perth

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13. Soothe skin after shaving

Tone down redness and irritation 

“This gel is the perfect partner after a good shave. It smooths away any rough spots and always leaves my skin feeling refreshed and revived. It finishes the job without a scent or familiar burn and gets me ready to take on the day. It's an essential part of my morning routine.”

~ Andy from Washington

14. Diminish Headaches

Applying to the temples and base of the neck 3 times in 5 minutes.

15. Reduce tenderness of piercings

I put a little on my earrings before I put them in and it feels great!

~ Amy from Texas

16. Increase joint mobility

"I had almost no range of motion in my shoulder for several months.  Five minutes after applying the gel, I could lift my arm over my head. I was shocked!"

~ Thalia from Texas

17. Take out the sting from Burns and watch the tissue repair

Renu28 can ease the burn, accelerating tissue repair and soothing pain.

This man burned his leg on the tailpipe of a motorcycle. It burned through the layers of skin, fat and fascia. It's incredible that all those layers were restored in just 13 days!

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18. Take the sting out of Bee stings

"I usually carry an epi pen because I have such trouble with bee stings.  This summer I was huckleberry picking, got stung and I would normally have to hurry to the hospital but the gel 3x in 5 min did the trick and I keep on picking!"

~ Kris from Idaho

19. Reduce itching from bug bites

Cell signaling soothes and calms irritation and supports healing.
"I apply to to mosquito bites to reduce the itch and keep me from scratching them like crazy."
~ Laura from Washington

20. Reduction in uncomfortable surface veins

“I’ve had some of these veins so unpleasant that I’ve had them removed before trying redox gel, but this has really given me relief.”

~ Bethany from Washington

21. Toothpaste replacement 

Improves receding gum tissue, gum health, and gives teeth a fresh smooth feeling.

22. Relieve bed sores

Redox gel worked better for my husband than all of the ointments from the wound care specialist and they (his Doctors) said to keep doing what you’re doing.

~ Mary from Washington

23. Reduce swelling in inflamed joints or tissues

Experience relief as your body signals the cells to ease discomfort. 

24. Reduce discomfort in arthritic joints

"I put it on 3 times in 5 minutes every time before I play piano for church and it allows me to play without pain."

~ Bev from Idaho

25. Soothe and moisturize cracks in the heels or hands

We recommend adding a good thick salve after to maximize results.

26. Soothe gums and mouth from teething

Help your little one find relief.

27. Comfort postpartum skin

Gentle care for new moms means an ease of suffering. 

28. Speed recovery from stitches

RENU 28 can help minimize redness and puckering skin.

“I may have got the validation you were looking for from the surgeon this morning. He said healing looks more like six months rather than six weeks He expected healing to have just started but it's almost fully healed."

~ Chris

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29. Reduce swelling

“My eye swelled shut a couple of days after getting fiberglass in it working on a construction job.  After applying the gel around the eye a few times that day I was able to open it and start seeing again.” 

~ Aaron from Spokane, Washington

30.  Moisturize cuticles and soothe hangnails

Renu 28 supports the health of your nails in more ways than one!

31. Clear up Vaginal Irritation

Applied with period disc cup or syringe internally for relief of itching and burning and dramatically shortened duration of symptoms.

32. Reduce calluses on the heels and hands

Rub into skin daily to experience skin renewal.

33. Help areas prone to sun stress: nose, scalp, and tops of ears

Too much sun can result in damaged skin.  Repair the damage with Renu 28!

34. Minimize the appearance of dark spots

Restore your skin with regular application of Renu 28!

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35. Soothe tired aching feet 

Runners, Dancers, and weekend warriors appreciate the relief Renu 28 brings to tired feet. 

36. Relieve overworked muscles

Cool down the heat and ease the pain after a hard workout or overexertion.

37. Smooth and moisturize chapped lips after weather exposure

Hydrate and heal: transform chapped lips into smooth, supple smiles.

38. Apply to dry winter skin to soothe and moisturize 

Nourish and replenish: soothe dry skin by activating cell communication

39. Diminish discomfort from fevers

"When my kids aren’t feeling well, I apply to the neck (especially the carotid arteries), soles of feet and belly button to support the whole body."

~ Laura from Washington

40. Normalize oily skin

Balance and beautify for a matte even complexion.

41. Soothe chafing

RENU 28 is a gentle solution for soothing and preventing irritated skin.

42. Moisturize unhealthy, split, or drying skin

Whether between your toes or on your nose, Renu 28 can restore, revitalize, quench and mend unhealthy or drying skin.

43. Improve the elasticity of skin

Boost your skin’s bounce!  Cell signaling can enhance elasticity for a youthful glow!

44. Decrease redness in skin

Soothe the flush!  The bioavailable redox cell signaling molecules in Renu 28 can provide gentle relief for reducing skin redness.

45. Soothe itchy or dry scalp

Providing relief at the root, rubbing Renu 28 into the scalp nourishes dry flaky skin and encourages healthy hair.

46. Restore hair loss

Harness the power to restore and rejuvenate thinning hair.

47. Soothe fragile, aged skin

Embrace the elegance of age as Renu28 provides gentle care to strengthen fragile skin.

48. Improved outcomes for physical therapy

Renu28 gel eases nerve discomfort for enhanced balance and coordination.

"My 6 year old son and I both have neurological challenges. Redox molecules definitely made the difference with restoring and repairing our nerve damage.

It helped with our Nerve 'discomfort', headaches, improved our numbness, tingling and balance issues. I would also put it on my son before therapy to improve his sessions."

~ Jessica from Washington

49. Remove moles and skin tags

We’ve had multiple reports of unsightly skin growths improving - or just painlessly falling off.

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50. Improve skin resilience and elasticity during weight loss

Improved cell signaling allows restoration of skin’s natural elasticity.

51. Soothe skin after waxing

Use Renu28 as a gentle recovery for soothing relief after waxing.

52. Soothe skin irritated by plants

We’ve had multiple reports of relief after using RENU 28 on skin irritations caused by plants like Poison Ivy and Poison Oak.

53. Increase Muscle Flexibility

"I apply the gel 3x in 5 min when I have sore muscles that don't want to stretch and I find my flexibility improves significantly so I get more out of my yoga practice.

This picture is a friend who had injured her wrist and couldn't bend it. After applying 3x in 5 min, you can see how much further her wrist could move."
~Laura from Washington

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54. Reduce swelling from head injury

Serious head injury from fall on a metal beam. Applied Renu 28 gel 3x in 5 min, 20 min later you can see swelling is almost gone. Saved ourselves a lot of worry!
~Jasper, WA

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55. Restore skin after chemical sensitivity

Photo on the left taken on Tuesday: this is what the chemical sanitizing soap my daughter's school started using again does to sensitive. Photo on the right taken on Friday: result after applying Renu28 followed by pure raw shea butter on her poor hands.

Renu28 has been a lifesaver in our family. We use it for bruises, wounds, burns, headaches, sprained ankles and so much more (beauty serum! But that's for the wrinkled parents ).P.S. I made a little container of all-natural Bronner's soap for my child to bring to school).

~ Karina, Amsterdam

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56. Restore skin from sunburns

Sunburn 13 hours after Renu28

~ April

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57. Reduce size and severity of cold sores

Do you suffer with cold sores? I used to get a cold sore with every monthly cycle. I haven't had one since I started using the ASEA redox liquid supplement 4 years ago...Until Wednesday!! I felt that familiar tingle- you know if you've ever had a cold sore. I'm not surprised as for the last 8 weeks I have spent every waking spare moment getting our house ready for sale. I might be a little exhausted.
So I have documented, day by day, how it developed (or didn't) by using Asea's Intensive Redox Serum. (note the Serum is more concentrated than Renu 28 but you can use either)
The first day I applied maybe every 2 hours, 2nd day- maybe 4 times over the course of the day, day 3 & 4 morning and night application. Today is Day 4 - I know it is still receding but no-one else would know.

~ Kelly

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58. Restore teeth and gums

My son had a tooth that was very bad from being covered by a metal band for 3 years that wasn't properly sealed. Within 8 days of brushing with Renu 28 the soft side of the tooth had completely hardened.
Cavities will not go back to white but if the surface is hard that is what matters.
I've continued brushing my own teeth with the gel and my teeth feel like I just left the dentist and my gums are very healthy!

~ Laura, Washington

? Do you have another terrific use for Renu28 we should add ?

Send your story with pictures if possible to [email protected]


This list is based on personal experiences.
This is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any particular condition. 

Supporting the cell signaling allows the body to make remarkable improvements!

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Everybody wants to look better or feel better and many people with health struggles are looking for answers. We have new technology that boosts your body's natural healing processes for faster recovery and improved quality of life.

Over 10 Million tubes of "miracle" gel sold in 33 Countries since 2014

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